Seasonal Mold Exposure: Symptoms, Risks and Tips for Coping Banner
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Seasonal Mold Exposure: Symptoms, Risks and Tips for Coping

Mold is more than just an eyesore, it’s also a health hazard. Various studies show that exposure to mold can lead to respiratory problems. In people with a seasonal allergy, mold exposure can cause flare-ups. If you have a mold problem, you will want to schedule a professional mold remediation near me in Ukiah as soon as possible or things may go from bad to worse and you may end up with a full-blown infestation, which can be very expensive to deal with.

Some common symptoms of seasonal mold exposure include:

Nasal and sinus congestion: Is one of the first signs of mold exposure. A stuffy or runny nose could indicate nasal and sinus congestion

Cough and throat irritation: Mold can block nasal passages, causing allergic reactions. Two of the most common allergy symptoms include cough and throat irritation

Eye irritation: It is not uncommon for people to experience eye irritation (itchy, red, or watery eyes) after coming into contact with mold spores

Skin irritation: Mold exposure can cause skin rashes, especially in individuals sensitive to molds

Respiratory problems: In people with asthma or other respiratory conditions, mold exposure can trigger or worsen allergy symptoms including shortness of breath and chest tightness

Headaches: Mold exposure is sometimes linked to headaches or migraines in individuals sensitive to mold

Fatigue and Weakness: Long term/prolonged exposure to mold spores can cause fatigue

Memory and concentration Issues: Some people report mild cognitive impairment and difficulty concentrating after exposure to mold

Postnasal drip: Occurs when mucus accumulates and continually runs down the back of the throat

If you have reasons to believe that your seasonal allergy symptoms are caused by mold in your home or business, have a professional inspect your property and address the problem.

Coping Tips

The key to managing mold allergies is reducing exposure to mold spores in home and outdoors. Because mold is everywhere, we constantly breathe in mold spores. You cannot avoid mold totally but can minimize mold exposure by following these steps.

Prevent Mold in Your Property

Fix leaks: Promptly fix plumbing leaks, water leaks inside walls and roof leaks to control moisture in your home

Control humidity: Use a dehumidifier or your air conditioner to maintain ideal indoor humidity levels

Use exhaust fans: Switch on the exhaust fans in your bathroom and kitchen immediately after cooking and taking a bath to tackle humidity and dampness

Clean regularly: Regularly clean areas where mold tends to grow. Typical examples include bathrooms, kitchens, and basements

Remove affected Items: If mold is growing on your carpet, a furniture piece, or an item of clothing, you may want to get rid of it

Limit Exposure to Mold Outside

Avoid damp areas: Try to stay away from heavily wooded areas or fields, especially on humid or rainy days

Take basic precautions when gardening: Wear a mask when performing gardening or landscaping tasks to avoid inhaling mold spores

Improve Air Quality

Use HEPA filters: Replace traditional HVAC filters with high-efficiency particulate air or HEPA filters that are designed to trap most types of airborne particles.

Keep windows closed: To prevent mold from outside from entering your home, keep your windows closed (whenever possible), especially during mold season

Personal Care

Shower after returning home from outside: A bath after your return to your home can help remove mold spores that may have attached to your skin or hair

Wash clothes and outdoor gear: It’s advisable that you wash your clothes and outdoor gear after returning home from outside

Medical Interventions

Use allergy medications: OTC or prescription allergy medications can help alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms

Consult an immunologist: An allergist can help you develop a plan to avoid allergens. They may recommend allergy shots (immunotherapy) if appropriate

What to Do if Mold is Growing in Your Property?

If mold is growing in your home or commercial property, have a professional inspect your property and perform a cleanup. Professional mold remediation near me in Ukiah targets the root cause of mold growth and can prevent mold from taking over. Mold can cause structural damage over time. Timely mold remediation near me in Ukiah can save you money on structural repairs and headaches down the road.

The mold remediation process usually involves the following steps:

Inspection and assessment: The mold remediation specialist visually inspects your property to determine the nature and extent of the mold problem. They may also collect air samples to identify the types of molds present and determine mold spore concentration

Containment: To prevent mold spores from traveling and spreading to the unaffected areas during the remediation process, the affected area is isolated. This is usually done using plastic sheeting and negative air pressure

Air filtration: High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and air scrubbers are used to rid the air of mold spores and other harmful particles

Mold removal: The professional uses antimicrobial and antifungal treatments to kill mold spores

Cleaning and sanitizing: This step involves cleaning and sanitizing all affected surfaces, including furnishings and personal items, to remove any remaining mold spores

After the mold remediation specialists sanitizes your property, they create a list of tasks that you must perform to prevent mold from coming back. They may also recommend ways to improve ventilation, control humidity and fix leaks and other plumbing problems.

Benefits of Professional Mold Remediation

A mold remediation specialist has received extensive training and follows best practices for handling and disposing of mold. Experts use specialized equipment and techniques to prevent cross-contamination, effectively remove mold and address the root causes of mold problems. Mold can affect building materials over time. Remediation experts can identify and address structural issues, helping maintain the structural integrity of buildings.

Do you have a mold problem? West Coast Fire & Water can help. Our mold remediation experts are equipped to develop custom mold remediation plans. To make an appointment, call us at 707-462-5326.